I just spent 4 hours on making a replica of the USS Vengance from Star Trek into darkness and I saved it but suddenly the whole thing disappeared except the cockpit. Does anyone know how to fix it? please give feedback.
I just spent 4 hours on making a replica of the USS Vengance from Star Trek into darkness and I saved it but suddenly the whole thing disappeared except the cockpit. Does anyone know how to fix it? please give feedback.
I just rebuilt a rough version of it and uploaded it @Pauciloquent
@Plasma Oh okey... dose it happen every time you place a new part on it? if so could you load it up and look at the part count? maybe it hits a maximum and removes it...
I just placed a block and it disappeared @Pauciloquent
Did it disappear when you tried to load it or as you saved it? How many parts was it? And if you look at the plane specs dose it say it's only one part? I have never had this problem but I use a PC so maybe it's a android/iOS bug...
I had a similar problem when I tried to build an F-15.
xD @Sirstupid