So. You ran out of ideas! The horror! You've mashed your skull against the keyboard/touchscreen. You've asked for advice. You've browsed the newest for ideas and inspiration. You've even gone so far as to browse the hottest. But, alas, you've found nothing. That's why you're here! So sit back, relax, and get your scrolling finger ready.
Do you want the long answer or the short answer?
Short answer you say?
Not satisfied? Long answer it is.
Look, stop. Close the SimplePlanes app. Open your window and look outside at the world. What do you see? Browse around on the internet, wherever you like to look. But not here. Not No. Go elsewhere. Look up "cool airplanes." Look up "WWII airplanes." Look up "retrofuturistic airplanes." Look up "jndjwldnrekic" and go to the images tab for all I care. Looking in the same places you've already looked will get you nowhere. Post that say "im outta ideas giv me thouts plz" get old, very, very quickly, for everyone. We all struggle. Don't be afraid to just lurk around on the site for a few days. Wait for the inspiration to strike. You never know where you'll find it.
Best to all,
@Lawgic good point. Something out of the ordinary but not so crazy it looks like a 5 year old threw some blocks at some other blocks and added 628 BFE120s and uploaded it is usually a safe bet. Also, a good, bright paint scheme doesn't hurt.
@jsaret I wouldn't share if I just wanted to see my creation in action but I know what you mean
@Lawgic don't do it for labor:upvotes! Do it because you want to see it fly!
My problem is I haven't run out of ideas, but there are so many options and idk which has the best Labor:upvote ratio
That was...very touching.
@Sirstupid haha. Note the use of the .
@Sirstupid I'll post it in almost exactly 1 hour.
I looked up jndjwldnrekic @jsaret
@Sirstupid …?
You get this
I'm just going to stay here obsessively instead. As usual. @jsaret
@PlanesOfOld lol
My scrolling finger hurts now...
My problem is doing the fulselage and wings it's incredibly tedious and hard to her them the way they should be
Many of them had lots of potential to ....
My problem is getting bored with my projects then forgetting about them unfortunately
Saab Draken
@Badet @ChunderDownUndeR thanks guys. I'm glad to see that my 2¢ has made a difference however small :)
Im trying to get people to go along with someone making a offical forum of links to websites with ideas
Perfect recommendations. Also keep a list of all of your ideas so you don't forget anything and you can refer to it at anytime.
Your comment should be on the top comments!!!