Plan for an future update is to have a course creator in the sandbox module where you can create your own race courses and upload them for others to use also user created tournaments would be cool too but only for higher ranked (platinum) users to prevent spam or something like that. Upvote/comment if you agree!
@PlanesOfOld I'm not saying it's a bad idea, it's just very unlikely
Then why is it such a bad idea to mpliment it into the game? @AeroEngineering
@PlanesOfOld you can't
But how can we do it on mobile? Answer me this @AeroEngineering
@PlanesOfOld @jsaret you can do this in unity, so it is very unlikely they would do this
@PlanesOfOld @jsaret you can do this in unity, so it is very unlikely they would do this
I agree @jsaret
Uh, I don't like the idea of having only platinums being able to post racecourses. I think it should be silver+ and only 1 course per week. The courses would appear on a separate tab, of course.