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Occaisional Stutter

15 knottyboy589  9.0 years ago

Ok, so my pc certainly isn't bad. I'm on an AMD FX8350 8 core 4.0ghz cpu and an Asus Nvidia GTX 750ti 2gb oc, and for the most part, i've ran this game ok. Getting a constant 60fps all the time on max least, that was until the recent update. Now, when flying around, i get stutter every now and again, like, the fps drops to about 40 for a split second, and then back up to 60 again, especially when flying near landing strips. Please, can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong? I don't know why it's lagging now.

UPDATE: Ok, so i just found out that i get a little less stutter when i set the air traffic density to sparse, but i really want to be able to fly with AI planes. Maybe if there is a way to unlock the framerate from 60 fps? then my stutter would be gone. Sorry if i sound like an idiot, i'm just a bit bogged down because i love this game to no end, but the stutter really kills it for me

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    man complains his fps abt to drop 40. Ive got 3

    3.1 years ago
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    @knottyboy589 no problem man, I'm glad you were able to find a suitable fix.

    9.0 years ago
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    Ok, so it turned out to be the ai generating at the same time as the landscape was causing the stutter. Lowering the terrain quality to medium and setting the air traffic to normal rather than dense seems to have fixed the stutter. Thx @Delphinus and @TheLatentimage for both helping me out lol

    9.0 years ago
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    If found that there is a slight stutter when an AI controlled plane is generated in the sandbox. Set the air traffic to none and fly around for a bit, see if that is the cause for you too. You can try what @Delphinus said and put your graphics and physics settings to a lower degree.

    9.0 years ago