I want to buy a computer (PC) and I don't know where to find one. It needs to be able to run simpleplanes an kerbal spaceprogram and office word, powerpont, exel, Etc. Etc. Etc.
Anyone knows were to find one? (I live in europe so please no american sites. That costs a lot of sendings)
What computer should I buy?
3,382 Jasperjl
8.9 years ago
Thank you!@Yottabyte1024
Thank you all!@FrankieB @Sirstupid
@Sirstupid Linux is free, he can just download it from the Linux site
Especially Linux. @FrankieB
@Jasperjl no problem
Nice, thanks!@FrankieB
@Jasperjl Yes
Does it has all of these?
Very, very thanks!@FrankieB
i have 8GB of ram and an I5 prosseser and it runs like a dream.
@Jasperjl try those
And for the screen about €150@FrankieB
About €400 @FrankieB
WHat is your price limit?
anything with windows 7 64 bit
Visit aria and build your own. Bare in mind you can get a £150 laptop and run simple planes just fine but ksp you would need to spend about +£400 to get its full potential