Need the devs help for this, my beta expired it seems, and I can't redownload the app because I'm afraid I'll lose all of my data. What should I do? @andrewgarrison @philliptarpley
Need the devs help for this, my beta expired it seems, and I can't redownload the app because I'm afraid I'll lose all of my data. What should I do? @andrewgarrison @philliptarpley
It won't delete anything. Even if it reverts to a version before the beta and you don't update, it'll simply give an error that it didn't load properly and you may need to update, at least when it comes to parts that came in the beta on saved aircraft.
Also had this problem, you cann just reïnstall the app. It kinda works like a update: deïnstall testflight, and download the app store version. I didn't lose anything, somwhy would you? @OminousGloom
Happened to me, too@OminousGloom
Thank you @Shmexysmpilot
@OminousGloom Do you have a PC nearby? It doesn't need Simpleplanes, it just needs iTunes installed.
I switched between full version and beta many times, and my planes always synced over to the new version perfectly fine. Just download the version off of the App Store again, there shouldn't be a problem
Of course it would be possible if I could open the app @amazingperson124 but I can't.
@OminousGloom just stick them on a dedicated subassemblies plane.
@amazingperson124 @JacobHardy64 what about sub assemblies? I just need confirmation from the devs that I won't lose everything by redownloading the app, cause I might.
What @amazingperson124 said
Upload all your planes as "unlisted"
@OminousGloom I have no idea
Does that work on iOS?@Noman0rumeral
Try backing up all of your plane files