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Chance to get Upvotes modded insignia

4,102 SpartanAirplanes  9.0 years ago

I'd like someone to mod a logo for me, but it seems no one wants to do it. i can give you a few upvotes if you make one for me. if you're willing to do it, comment on this post and I'll give you the details

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    @jsaret Here's and example of what I was thinking about

    9.0 years ago
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    The name I use for Simpleplanes is SpartanAirplanes. I'd like to have a logo for my planes that is round and has the letters SA on it (similar to some other logos you've made. Can you create something with a red letter "S" and a blue letter "A" in a circle? I'd like the "A to be slightly higher than the "S". If you can make this I'd really appreciate it and I'll give you a few upvotes for it. @jsaret

    9.0 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    I might be up to the challenge, try me!

    9.0 years ago