how about when your plane/vehicle is destroyed and the game will register it as such (like how it tells that a plane got destroyed in dogfights) that when this happens the boyancy of the vehicle slowly decreases so much so that it looks like the parts are filling with water and sink
@AgDynamics just an idea for the future
@Delphirier and yes english is my first language and it was 3 typos consisting of 1 letter sooooooory lol :)
btw warship craft is pretty good thiers another type with more advanced items
@Delphirier he might not have English as his first language
I don't know how well it would work for user-built ships, but the carriers/destroyers in-game already have some pretty cool sinking mechanics. If you hit the stern of the carrier it will sink stern-first, if you hit the side it will list to whatever side you hit. Hits along the waterline (i.e. torpedos) seem to sink them faster than a missile strike to the carrier deck.
It would be cool to see, but boats aren't really the focus of the game so I wouldn't get your hopes up.
How bout chu get some grammar ;P