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Bomber series?

8,162 LoneWolfEnterprises  8.9 years ago

I know, I know, I've got a lot of crap to do, but I am interested in something...BOMBERS

would you guys like to see..say, 4 bombers? I was thinking a couple of WW2 themed ones and one modern, along with a space-y one. Sooo,ya? Questions?concerns? Ideas? Flying robot laser sharks?

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    4,047 Umbreon

    Definitely, go for it. It's cool cause the last plane I uploaded was a bomber that carries 57 bombs. More, if you swap out the Boom 50's with 25's.

    8.9 years ago
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    yeh. i like bombers too. today i was creating a Dassault Mirage IV, but i'll continue tomorrow. anyway, i made some bombers too, check my planes

    8.9 years ago