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About QAI

105 QuantumAeroIndustries  9.0 years ago

One of my big hobbys are airplanes, and i have a big passion for them. So i started to download airplanes for SP and after a few weeks i stumbled over this user: AlphaOneIndustries. I looked at his planes and was impressed, at this point i just had SP on my ipad. So i started to download planes from thsi user and used the parts to build new ones (i couldn't do such parts by myself back then). And later i dowloaded the AOI A440 i used this one for most of my planes as a base and created my own one out of these, some of them are more based on the A440 like the H540-300 and others are mpre different like the H510-300WL. So i had some people which just said that i repainted them, which is not true, i perfected them for myself and created complete new ones out of them. Like the recent H580-300. And there was a thing with giving credits to him for copying the airplanes, thats not what i have done, like i said before. But i wan't to shout out a thank you for the base and inspiration this user gave me. And to get that clear inupload my planes so i can downlad them on my pc, ipad and mac, so have them every where. And why don't i just upload them as "unlisted". Because i think that every one should be able to download those aircrafts, and maybe enjoy my changes or new variations. So that was what i wanted to say, i hope this article explaines the whole thing to the ones who asked or want to know.

Greetings QAI