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SP.AI, your village called, they want their idiot back...

43.9k PlanesOfOld  8.9 years ago

Is it just me or to the AI seem a bit.....drunk when they fly...
I've been trying to perfect an areoplane for dogfights but am struggling due to the AI rolling left to right constantly or flapping the rudder around haven't the AI pilots learned how to be gentle?
Anyway does anyone have any tips on how to fix my plane so the AI is capable of actualy flying up in a less... Blind-drunk way the only thing the AI is good at when they fly my plane is losing controll, crashing and missing the enemy plane by a Glasgow mile!


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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    Lol I took away the rudder and have most of the main wings as pitch I've already redesigned all the wings and the aerodynamics to make it more.. AI friendly @Skua

    8.9 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    They use the rudder to spread gunfire and nothing else, so it's usually worth giving them a fairly small rudder and adjusting it depending on accuracy in dogfights. As for being gentle - no. The AI can only use inputs at 100% just now. Other general tips:

    • ~ Make sure your plane can handle pitching down hard, because the AI will do this far more than any decent human pilot.

    • ~ AI dogfights that don't end on the first pass quickly turn in to a contest of who can pitch fastest, so focus on that.

    • ~ The weird rolling habits basically can't be avoided, so you're best just trying to minimise the harm it does. Keep guns fairly central, ensure stable roll behaviour etc

    8.9 years ago
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    Certain Planes do that. I'd recommend Smaller Replicas. They seem to handle that better.

    8.9 years ago