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What I've noticed...

105k RailfanEthan  8.9 years ago

(No, I'm not trying to be greedy or trick anyone)

I've noticed that after a few days, a build someone has made doesn't get noticed anymore. It's sad we forget about the past builds (which sometimes are better) and hope for the more recent. Either way, try looking at people's past builds and take notice.

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    @Seraphinium His is getting old as well. But it would seem like to me that if the points are so important then you would probably feel better about earning them in a respectable way. Don't ya think? Because I'll tell you that a user's score doesn't impress me in the least. The two things that impress me are the quality of their work. And the quality of their character.

    8.9 years ago
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    @Seraphinium this spam is getting old.

    8.9 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    You only notice people's past builds by noticing them. To notice them, you'd likely need to see a plane from them in either the newest or hottest tab.

    8.9 years ago