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Even more improvements!!!! because why not

1,171 Chip2222  9.0 years ago

On the website:

  • When downloading from a browser instead of in game, just display some text. Pop up windows are annoying because it takes an extra click

  • Possibly make dogfighting tournaments with classes such as mods, modern and old (similar to the existing tournament classes)

  • Remove the ability to follow yourself

  • (edit) Feature the works of less talented people. The better creations will work themselves to the top anyway and don't require being featured.

In game:

  • Have the option to group saved aircraft into files to make finding one of my thousands of planes easier to find

  • Why can't rotators have endless rotation?

On a mac:

  • When I go full screen, I can't swipe between spaces

  • When I go windowed, I can't see the bottom of the game. This means the fly plane button and back button are half obscured and I can't see the throttle or gas percentage when flying

  • Where are the XML files? They don't exist on a mac at all!!! Why!!!!!!!

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    1,171 Chip2222

    @StraightOuttaSnacks thats why better ai needs to be programmed too. But that will probably take a lot of effort. I'm not counting on it but it would be a great addition.

    9.0 years ago
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    Dogfighting tournaments will never work, have you ver set two planes to AI and watched them dogfight? The two planes fly straight at each other, fire missiles as soon as possible, first plane down loses, fin.

    The AI is just not good enough for dogfights.

    9.0 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    @Chip2222 Yeah .-.

    9.0 years ago
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    1,171 Chip2222

    @Delphirier yes but its not controllable. It just sort of flops about

    9.0 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    Also nice to see another mac user xD

    9.0 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    rotators can have endless rotation, just wind it all the way down.

    9.0 years ago