I was just wondering if anyone would be interesting in doing a collab with some sort of tank? Nothing too complicated though.
I was just wondering if anyone would be interesting in doing a collab with some sort of tank? Nothing too complicated though.
@Halfstrike Alrightm let's fix it later then.
On the beta I'm having issues when the vehicle spawns in anything that's not attached goes below the craft so we can't make proper tank trans until they sort that out@Waemoth
@Halfstrike Do you still want to do this?
@Waemoth just put a post up about why i was away for abit a week ago (its long and sad)
@Halfstrike Alright, sounds epic.
@Waemoth here
lol jk i heard it from different users as their was a sneak peek at the end of the last stream
@Halfstrike Could you give me a link to where you got that info from?
their will defintly be more/better tanks out after it@Waemoth
@Halfstrike Haven't looked into it, but it seems nice.
With the tank update as I'm refering to it now (because of the tension Pistons and hinges and wheels that can be used as drive wheels ) it's going to change the game @Waemoth
@Halfstrike Yeah, let's just wait a little.
@Waemoth just realised that i cant build the body untill the hinges come out because i dont know their size
@Waemoth making a basic turret for guidance like 5 peices just as a place holder
@Halfstrike Good, make sure that you get the height right.
@Waemoth ok btw its going to be 9 wide
@Halfstrike I think it would be easier if you made the hull, so that I could build the turret ontop of that. I find it easier to get proprtions right that way.
@Halfstrike No I'm in Sweden, so it's 00:00. I also have school tomorrow.
il make turret then
@Waemoth you i england cus here its 23:00 on a school night
@Halfstrike Yeah, I got crazy ammounts of points today and yesterday. You could perhaps go ahead and try to make the hull of the TK-X (no tracks or turret) with somewhat accurate proportions? That would speed up the process. Also, I have to sleep now, good night.
@Waemoth today was the first i heard of it lol or else i would have entered (probably wouldnt have got in tho)
@Waemoth your in the silver team right?
It's basically a collabortaion challenge in which I'm participating, didn't think I'd be chosen.@Halfstrike
@Waemoth im ok with waiting especially for the hinges but why?
@Halfstrike Yes, let's go for the TK-X. I've thought about doing a Leo 2 for while, but I never really got around to it. Although whatever we build will have to wait because of Nickasaurus' "Ultimate Challenge".