I've noticed that quite a few newer plane makers pump out planes like like badly made food. For instance they make planes and don't test them there selfs. A user by the name of Gamer2001 post quite a few planes but not many actually work, and he joined yesterday. Then people like Trevon who takes other peoples planes and changes them slightly but never made one of his own. These are just 2 of the many examples i've found. If you see one of these people please explain why quality is better then quantity.
@TheColonel ive offered to do that but you won't listen,So you stop tagging me on everything you see or I'll post all of my screenshots like this

Maybe if you broached the subject politely over tea he might listen.
Hours building, hours testing. In between testing other peoples planes cause theres always someone to help. Cant even find the time to copy anyones ideas. Lol. If i find myself chatting with them i shall do my best!
Gamer2001 is a jelly fan. D:
I usually go quality over quantity. You can only make so many planes, and I find it better to put development into my aircraft, make them as good as I can. It's just a thing I do. But it's also because the power of numbers does not work in simple planes. The 5 plane limit makes it hard to make enough planes to get noticed, and also because a quality work is more likely to stand out among the big crowd that is the SP community. I often put a lot of time in my builds, often because of trouble shooting the performance(I prefer performance over looks most of the time, though SP makes it easier to make good looking aircraft)
stuff like this drives me up the wall as well.
My pet pieve is people who think flying jelly beans, Planes that have no form, are cute.
This will make it so much easier!
I know i dont make very complicated machines but i wont post them untill im satisfied with the flying capabillities atleast.. I sure hope im not one of those "50 parts guys." :) and actually i dont even post that many planes.... Im not a fast enough developer. ;)
I try to do a plane a day but if what I make doesn't meet my standards of fly-ability, it doesn't get published until it does. That said I fully agree with you.
@PlanesOfOld can you post the link to his page?
Anothe example of a person like this so called Trevron is TheColonel
@SimpleTechAndResearch preaching to the choir:)
@Thelaw11 I agree. I put at the least 2-3 hours of work into my planes and they get very few upvotes. Most of them from followers.
omg so true! frustrating when you spend hours and hours on a design only for it to be wipped from the new planes front page in 2 mins because so many 50 part no thought planes being uploaded per second
@SimpleKingdomAerialTesting Double Facepalm
@SimpleTechAndResearch facepalm
@SimpleKingdomAerialTesting Wait my planes work great. Also you can make links by [Words] (Link) but no spaces
And they work great! but there planes don't...(most of the time)
When I make planes I don't care if they look ugly. I just care if they work.