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Build ideas

9,422 MisterMasada  8.9 years ago

So, I've noticed that the community has a bit of a thing for weird and or unconventional WWII era aircraft, I say this because they're consistently my (objectively speaking) best planes.

That said, I was wondering what strange and unexplored concepts you, the community, would like to see in the form of sci-fi WWII aircraft?

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    Well let's first settle on what THING we want to build, then who builds what.

    8.9 years ago
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    9,422 MisterMasada

    @Supercraft888 We can, not sure how we'd go about it and who'd do what, but I guess we could

    8.9 years ago
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    @MisterMasada ah yes I see, you want to work together on a build like one of those, ummm things?

    8.9 years ago
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    9,422 MisterMasada

    @Supercraft888 Haha, that's uh, kinda what I've been looking at, not that one, but those other lego ones.

    8.9 years ago
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    Look at diesel punk planes, they are like WIERD looking
    here is an example

    8.9 years ago