Gamemode: Bomber Defense
Some jerks are gonna try and bomb your stuff! Don't let them bomb your stuff!
-Select an airport, then defend it against waves of incoming bombers and their escorts.
-Bomber waves will throw increasing numbers of increasingly difficult enemies at you. (For example, the first few waves will go from one, to three light bombers/dive-bombers. Then, two bombers with a single escort-fighter, and then one bomber with two escorts. Repeat process with bigger bombers and better fighters. Alternatively: Randomized? Player-selected?)
-Return to your airfield to rearm and refuel, and prepare for the next wave of attackers.
-You can respawn at your airfield if you get shot down. But if it's destroyed, you're done.
-Also available in WWII-modeGamemode: Bomber Escort, redux
Same as the current bomber escort mission, except you can have it set to WWII-mode (or select what you'll be escorting and what you'll be up against) and select a target to be bombedGamemode: Supply Raid
Contemplate your naval as you set out to sink an enemy supply flotilla. Watch out, though - they really like that supply flotilla, and they brought friends along to keep it afloat.
-Start in midair, on a coastal runway, or on a carrier deck (bring an appropriately designed plane to account for range and runway-length requirements).
-Attempt to sink a number of enemy supply ships, and evade fire from destroyer escorts (or their WWII-themed counterparts) and (if you take too long) hostile air cover.
-Return to your base/carrier to replenish ammo and fuel.
-Mission fails if the flotilla reaches its destination with at least one cargo ship intact, but they're slow, so you got a while. Just try not to die.
-Could be a good fit for UnstableOrbit's SimpleWarships mod.
-Also might include WWII-mode / enemy selectionGamemode: Airfield Assault
Launch from a carrier to partake in a multi-stage operation to seize an enemy airfield, defending against bombers, scrapping with fighters, and attacking surface units and structures!
-Lengthy mission with multiple stages and multiple roles to take, switching between offense and defense; respawning, rearming, and refueling from a carrier may be necessary. Mission fails if carrier is sunk or stage objectives are destroyed.
-Stage 1: Your fleet encounters enemy ships offshore, battle ensues: Partake by helping to sink enemy warships! Mission will advance when all enemy ships are destroyed. Mission fails if your transport ships are sunk.
-Stage 2: Your fleet is now steaming ahead to deploy landing craft. Enemy dive bombers are politely asking you to not steam ahead and deploy landing craft. Insist on doing so anyway, with extreme prejudice. Mission advances after a number of waves have been completed. Mission fails if your transport ships are sunk.
-Stage 3: When all waves of dive-bombers are taken down, landing craft will start making their way to shore: Take down enemy short-range fighters attacking them! Enemy aircraft will continue to launch and attack you and the landing craft until hangars at the airbase are destroyed. Mission advances when marines make it ashore. Mission fails if too many landing craft are destroyed.
-Stage 4: Marines have made it to the beach and are advancing toward the enemy base, with tanks leading the assault (prolly no infantry; just pretend they're following along, I guess). Soften up any remaining defenses, and take out what's left of the enemy's air cover (no enemy planes if you took out the hangars). New ground targets will periodically appear as "marines request air-strikes on dug-in enemy positions". Mission complete when tanks reach airfield. Mission fails if all tanks are destroyed.
-As usual, may include WWII-mode and/or enemy vehicle selection
that, would be peeeerfecty awsome!
@Sofa and a mission editor where it saves a spawn point and you get givven objective rings and you have to go through them and at last somthing like kill this and go home or drop this or support this for x long time
@Sofa 4 planes is enough and at the most is 3 on wright 3 at murphy/yeagar and 4 boats all rendered at the same time so it should be enough to add 1 more for a 4v4 air battle with 2 ships eather side(1 destroyer and 1 carrier )
@Halfstrike That'd be neat, yeah. Like I keep saying, though, I really wish this game was capable of supporting more than four vehicles in one instance. That would open up so many possibilities.
i surgested a carrier assalt game mode a while back where their is an ai in the air circling- you are one the deck and have to take off and once over 1000 feet the ally goes into formation to your left or right and their is the same on the enemy carrier which will do the same, the ai wingman has aa priority but if you are destroyed he becomes a-g priority in a last ditch attempt to take out the enemy ship. winner is the first to sink the enemy ship, also available in ww2 mode
@NovaTopaz Possibly, yeah (hence the mention of SimpleWarships). Or torpedoes.
On supply raid... If anything, yo'du build a ship in an attempt to destroy them. That would be a good idea with it's physics, though.
@jsaret prolly because I only posted it just now and people either haven't seen it or saw the textwall and went "eew" and left.
How does this not have more upvotes?
@Sofa oh well, i guess I'll have to wait
@Dosbrostacos Maybe mobile doesn't have the bomber escort mission? It's under the combat tab on the PC version.
@Sofa mobile, we got the weapons update in january
@Dosbrostacos Are you on mobile or PC? cos iunno if mobile got the weapons update yet.
@Sofa there is?
@Dosbrostacos But there already are bombers and there's already a bomber-escort mission.
cool idea, but might not work for bomber escort unless the new update has bombers