If anyone can suggest anything to me, that would be greatly appreciated.
@bjac0 yasss
@RedHawk you're mind is blown onto a bunch of plain planes on a plain of trains that are covered in rain of methane?
@bjac0 mind blown
@RedHawk @Flightsonic @MikefuSD what about, a plain plane on a plain of trains that pertain to the plain planes on the plain of trains?
@Flightsonic not just any plane either, it's gotta be one of those planes, ya know the one that does things. No but seriously, look up "cool planes" or "concept planes"
@bjac0 yasss
@RedHawk you're mind is blown onto a bunch of plain planes on a plain of trains that are covered in rain of methane?
@bjac0 mind blown
@RedHawk @Flightsonic @MikefuSD what about, a plain plane on a plain of trains that pertain to the plain planes on the plain of trains?
@Flightsonic not just any plane either, it's gotta be one of those planes, ya know the one that does things. No but seriously, look up "cool planes" or "concept planes"