That's it. I'm just gonna quit. People FOLLOW me, and LOOK AT MY PLANES.. And my forum had no upvotes nor comments. I even linked Delphinus.. I'm just going to stop playing SimplePlanes in total. I've had enough of the feeling that nobody cares. I have great planes, and sure been inactive, but I have REASON. If you can't check in once a day, for anyone that follows, then just unfollow. I'm done for now, I'm just going to play other games.. Games that people actually pay attention to me on..
Simpleplanes on IOS isn't working for you either? @SimpleTechAndResearch
@AnarchistAerospaceIndustries :(
This happens all too often.
@AnarchistAerospaceIndustries I could help... I don't know how
@MaleticAirplanes if my iOS version worked id upload. But sadly it won't work.
@Flightsonic No. Not really. This is seriously an issue that's stressing me out..
Now, come on. Look at where you've gotten. You can't get to gold and claim that nobody notices you. Plenty of people enjoy your planes, and I amongst them. The site's just in a bit of a rut, there's an influx of, Er, d i m i n i s h e d quality planes, for lack of better term. It'll pull through. Just give it time.
@Thefalloutplayr lol
You make nice aircraft, but most of your recent posts are forums. More planes, less talking, and upvotes will come. That is my advice.
@AnarchistAerospaceIndustries Is this a mood swing?
@Thefalloutplayr Then don't talk to me. Attention makes me feel loved, makes me so happy! Makes me write nice things, make others feel nice.. Without the nice comments and such, I get depressed.. I get sad... And dark... Which is when I write things like this...
@Thefalloutplayr lol
So your quitting for lack of attention!? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard and I listened to George W Bush