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5,802 DragonAerotech  8.9 years ago

I've not uploaded anything since about 9PM CST last night and it says I'm full up on uploads for the day. O.o; Do I have to wait until tonight to upload my limit again? Yes, I created a PILE of work I planned to introduce with that quasi-role-play build project. I just didn't know about the 5 upload a day business, though the limit does make practical sense as it prevents spammers from crowding the front page.

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    5,055 Jackie

    @DragonAerotech For your last 5 creations, how long ago have you uploaded them?

    8.9 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    @DragonAerotech I've never tested it for myself, but I think you misunderstood what Jackie was saying. Rather than getting your "tickets" back with even spacing, you just get them back 24 hours after whenever you last used that one. Say you upload five designs with ten minutes between each one, then 24 hours after you uploaded the first one, you start getting "tickets" back every ten minutes.

    8.9 years ago
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    @Jackie Hmmm... it'd been more than 6 hours since I uploaded something so that seems to contradict what you are saying. Either way though I'm not going to sweat it, sooner or later I'll get to showcase my hard work. ^_^

    8.9 years ago
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    5,055 Jackie

    The limit is in place to prevent spamming, yes. but it's not based on a 24 hour cycle. Think of it as almost a ticket system. Every time you upload a plane, you hand in one of your five tickets. After 24 hours, you get that ticket back. So you can hand in a ticket every 4 hours, 20 in total, and in another 4 hours you'll get a ticket back.

    8.9 years ago