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Height or Flight?

1,171 Chip2222  9.0 years ago

So I am making a plane and I need your decisions.

Either I make a plane that has flat bottom wings that takes off perfectly and is easy to land, but pitches up like crazy,

or I use a combination of symmetrical and semi-symmetrical wings that takes off badly and lands even worse but is super stable in the air and flies like a dream.

What should I choose?

(of course if you can make a plane with the best of both worlds, please tell me)

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    1,171 Chip2222

    @Stingray ok. thanks!

    9.0 years ago
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    50.4k Stingray

    @Nickasaurus Hi, but realize that real-world AC like the FA-18 and SR71 always landed via a controlled crash with extremely skilled pilots.

    9.0 years ago
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    50.4k Stingray

    Propeller aircraft that can glide to landing: Semi-symmetrical or flat. Jet models are different. Jet AC use a combination of semi, flat, and symmetrical wings in the real world. Somehow, SP got lucky and yes, you can use any sim wing you choose and create a SIM SP model that both flies fast and also lands.

    9.0 years ago
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    37.7k Decrepit

    @Stingray is really good at them

    9.0 years ago
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    37.7k Decrepit

    You can do both

    9.0 years ago
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    Np anytime I'm here to help!!@Chip2222

    9.0 years ago
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    1,171 Chip2222

    @Thefalloutplayr ok. ill do some more testing with that in mind. thanks

    9.0 years ago
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    It's a compromise and it will help with the pitch issue@Chip2222

    9.0 years ago
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    1,171 Chip2222

    @Thefalloutplayr But doesn't that make the plane less manoeuvrable?

    9.0 years ago
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    You CAN compromise make the wings flat bottom and just put the CoM closer to the front

    9.0 years ago