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Mech Challenge results!

73.9k WahrscheinlichIch  8.9 years ago

The 25th of march has come and the robot battle is over! The results are as follows:

laSoul vs Himynameiswalrus

Battles: 1 wins laSoul
2 wins Himynameiswalrus
3 wins laSoul
laSoul passes

jesemd vs MrMecha

Battles: 1 wins MrMecha
2 wins jesemd
3 wins MrMecha
MrMecha passes


Battles: 1 wins Seeras
2 wins Seeras
Seeras passes

Round2 (half finale):
MrMecha vs laSoul

Battles: 1 wins MrMecha
2 wins laSoul
3 wins MrMecha
MrMecha passes

Seeras vs emergency backup mech (with 3 half finalists, I had to improvise and put my own mech in)

Battles: 1 wins Seeras
2 wins Seeras
Seeras passes

Round3 (FINALE):

MrMecha vs Seeras

Battles: 1 wins Seeras
2 wins Seeras
Seeras wins


Now for the prizes:
3 for passed rounds
2 for getting to the half finale
2 for getting to the finale
3 for winning the challenge
total: 10 upvotes (hoffentlich hast du
noch genug zeug, das ich noch nicht geupvotet habe ^^)

2 for passed rounds
2 for getting to the half finale
2 for getting to the finale
3 for the 2nd best looking submission
1x follow for getting to the finale with one of the best looking mechs
total: 9 upvotes + follow (lol I already follow you xD)

1 for passed rounds
2 for getting to the half finale
5 for the best looking submission
total: 8 upvotes (if I can find that many things, that I have'nt upvoted yet)


Also a comment on everyones mechs performance:

Seeras: Ich hatte ehrlich gesagt nicht damit gerechnet, dass du gewinnst, aber genau genommen hast du nicht einmal je verloren! die angriffstechnik war unglaublich effektiv, besonders gegen MrMecha, den du einfach umwerfen konntest, bevor er dich erreichen konnte. Fast hättest du auch den 2. Platz beim Design bekommen, aber da war dir MrMecha noch ein kleines Stück vorraus. Obwohl ich dachte, dass dein Mech zu hoch ist, um stabil zu stehen, war er wie an den Boden geschweißt! Super Arbeit und herzlichen Glückwunsch!

MrMecha: In your mech, I put quite high hopes and I was not wrong! It had a big reach advantage on laSoul, but the legs broke almost in every battle (luckily only one at a time). Only Seeras could put an end to your winning streak , because his flinging move grabbd you under tha arms and threw you on your back. At any rate it looks really good!

laSoul: From the moment, that you uploaded your samurai, I knew, that the prize for best look was decided. I actually thaught, that it would win the battle too, but MrMecha had a big advantage because of his shape: It would hit you in the haed and you would just attack the air below him. It is amazing nevertheless, keep it up!

jesemd: Probably the most creative out of the lot. Your Killer Kermit sadly had tha bad luck of getting put against MrMecha. That had two big problems:
1. His Mech had many times the size of yours, making attacks very ineffective 2.his feet had that dent backwarts just above the foot, exactly tha same height as your tounge, the effect being, that you often just did'nt hit. really cool and simple design overall, sadly you did'nt make it.

SUPERSAMROCK: Cool design, but it tends to explode, when attacking. If I wanted to be too exact with the rules, I would'nt have used the attack, because it did'nt steer with roll, but I let you through with that. It fought quite well, but Seeras was an enemy far beyond your strength, although you tied him many times.

Himynameiswalrus: for the fact, that it was your first mech, it was actually quite good and really stable! I think, that some other mechs would have lost against you, but laSouls likes to explode his opponents. Also, longer arms would have helped you a lot, I think. A sturdy first mech in my oppinion!


And last just an explaination on how I chose the battle opponents: I gave every one of the six opponents a number. Then I threw a dice and the first ones to be chosen were battle opponents. for the second round, I gave everyone two numbers. Because the backup mech was a little weaker than the other half finalists, I put Seeras against laSoul afterwards. He still wins.

Thanks to everyone for participating and may the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks! (who gets that reference ;) )

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    89.2k laSoul

    I'm glad I did well. Who knows if I'll start a Mech challenge as well!

    8.9 years ago
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    @MrMecha you have no idea, how long it took to give away 27 upvotes, what could have been done in 5 minutes...

    8.9 years ago
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    28.4k goboygo1

    agh, i never finish challenges. :P

    8.9 years ago
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    Ok, thanks. Maybe we were on different physics levels because mine didn't seem to explode but I can't complain, it was my first mech.

    8.9 years ago
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    90.6k Seeras

    Nicht verzagen, um Anregungen fragen. =P
    Bau mir ein Steampunk Luftschiff. Rumpf eines Schiffes an einen Zeppelin gehängt. ^^

    8.9 years ago
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    @Seeras Danke, aber bin mir endlich mal wieder was einfällt, das ich bauen könnte, wird da nicht viel passieren. Ich bin sogar schon wieder kurz davor, von der 2. Seite der top user zu fliegen

    8.9 years ago
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    90.6k Seeras

    Naja, umso einfacher die Anforderungen umso mehr werden mit machen. ^^
    Bei meiner ersten Challenge haben auch recht viele mit gemacht.
    Ich glaube ich muss mich ran halten, du holst wieder auf. ^^
    Glückwunsch zu 10k!

    8.9 years ago
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    @Seeras Ich werd mir's überlegen, aber entweder warte ich noch n moment, bis ich n paar mehr leute hab, die mitmachen, oder ich muss es etwas konventioneller gestalten ^^

    8.9 years ago
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    90.6k Seeras

    Dann ist gut. ^^
    Was die nächste Challenge angeht, vlt irgendetwas mit Sci Fi Fluggeräten ?
    Da bin ich ja gerade voll im flow. =P

    8.9 years ago
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    @Seeras nö ich hatte nichts dagegen gesagt, weil ja der sinn darin bestand, einen stabilen Mech zu bauen ^^

    8.9 years ago
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    90.6k Seeras

    Vermutlich weil die Beine so viel Gewicht haben.
    War doch nicht verboten oder ? ^^

    8.9 years ago
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    @Seeras Ich weiß auch nicht so recht, warum deiner so extrem gut war, ich dachte, der wäre zu hoch und daher nicht stabil, aber irgendwie hat er MrMecha in zwei Kämpfen zweimal besiegt ohne auch nur ein Unentschieden. Was als nächstes kommt, weiss ich ehrlich gesagt nicht...

    8.9 years ago
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    90.6k Seeras

    Oh wow, damit hätte ich jetzt nicht gerechnet. ^^
    Wie kommt es das sich mein Instabiler Roboter so gut geschlagen hat ? 0o

    Hast scheinbar noch genügend Zeug gefunden für Upvotes. ^^
    Was kommt als nächstes ?

    8.9 years ago
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    TO HELL WITH THE COOLDOWN! I JUST WANT TO GIVE YOU THE PRIZES! justwhy is that upvote cooldown a thing?

    8.9 years ago
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    @MrMecha you already have ^^ I used the example for the challenge

    8.9 years ago
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    Oh you should do another one! But out a a limit on points so it's fair lol

    8.9 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    How did you even do the battles? xD

    8.9 years ago