So I know many users are getting annoyed with the daily upload limit, and I understand the point: to reduce spam, but could it be within an actual day based on the time zone instead of 24 hours? I hate waking up and not being able to upload, or have an upload mess with what you build the next day. So is it a good idea to change that?
@bspboy alright, but thats a good idea
I don't know off the top of my head. Sorry. @Flightsonic
@bspboy What would an example be?
You know how some sites have reliability level? The higher yours is, the higher your upload limit. And also if you are regularly active in the game.
@TehDuck I agree. Nearly all of the planes I like are from users who don't get close to the daily upload limit
I only upload once to 4 times a week in my opinion this would be a waste of time and energy for the devs to implement when they could be working on the game (although my opinion may be against this because I don't have this problem)
@KingDeadshot put the still would be able to upload 5 a day
Good idea