I'm just clearing out old progress files and thought whoever might be interested in how I start my goliath gunships
Here is how I started Titus, with the bonnet, then on to the bombing platform function as you can see in this picture
and the grill in this one
Then in this one how I started Atlas's Wrath with the small plane then a frame around it
This is also shows why I can't with My big 4 I can't use fuselage as there isn't enough room and plus I can't do the detail on the bonnet
This is also a learning curb for me to how to upload photos on a forum
@deusalgor @Skua Thanks
Thanks for that, I'll make an account and try again :)@Skua
@Phantion to make pictures appear in posts, use this format:
![](image URL)
Note that the URLs you have in your post just now won't work, you need to get the one that refers to the image specifically, rather than the imgur page it is on. It will end with an image extension like .jpg or .png
@deusalgor uh any good as does it appear different to you then it does to me??