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A suggesion to add much more flexibility in the game

396 TheMace808  8.9 years ago

So, I've been wanting to build some very cool designs and creations, but the problem is, there aren't enough buttons to necessarily control the creation or do the things I want them to do, so basically, pitch, yaw, and roll aren't enough and I'm sure people have run into this problem, so I suggest a besiege style button assignment where you choose what buttons do pitch, yaw, roll, and other things, independently

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    21.5k FrankieB

    @Flightsonic yeah, personally I think this would be annoying

    8.9 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    The only 3 problems would be

    1. The coding
    1. Downloads with different controls

    2. AI

    8.9 years ago