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Looking for a couple modded parts

22.5k MoterKade  9.0 years ago

Good evening everyone. I was wondering if some one could mod up a couple engines for me or direct me to where I could find some that may be able to perform the tasks I require. My currect project requires a very strong VTOL system(Lift 200 000lbs)but be compact enough to place discreetly. I will also require RCN up to this task as well as control surfaces will not work as I have discovered over the last couple of nights. Lastly I need a some craft shedding engines lol. Anyone have any lying around in their hangers they maybe able to spare me? Credits will be given of course :)

Thanks for your help!!

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    22.5k MoterKade

    Well SpiritusRaptor's X10 vtol engines are great, But it seems my build is not as balance as the COT COL and COM lead me to believe. Stock RCNs just Dont cut it. Hmmm.... May have to shelve this build for abit until I figure out the RCN issue! Just means we have to wait for a bit longer before we can " Visit stange new worlds!" but hey you know... what life is like in the final frontier :)

    9.0 years ago
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    No problem! @MoterKade

    9.0 years ago
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    22.5k MoterKade

    @RyneKuczy Thanks Just checked out SR's F35. Man that thing is Slick!! I'm going to see if I can get these to fit in with my build. That VTOL system works so smooth compared to the stuff I was trying! thanks again!!

    9.0 years ago
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    SpiritusRaptor uses a modded VTOL in his F-35, it may be powerful enough for what you need.

    9.0 years ago