I hope, that you are'nt fed up with Olympic class steamers, because another one is comin your way! My current project is the RMS Olympic, sistership of the Titanic, that I already released. I wanted to build it mainly to fix all those flaws and mistakes I made on the Titanic. It is almost precisely in scale of 1:2
scince the front half is done, I expect to upload the finished ship friday or saturday
73.9k WahrscheinlichIch
8.8 years ago
It weighted 52,310 tons
@planemaker44 the ship lurched to the starboard side the entire voyage.
@iiRazor the titanic got hit by ice on star board side
On the Olympic that had no carpeting titanic did
@planemaker44 The Titanic and Olympian were in n the docks side by side. Which they could have easily been switched due to their similar designs. During the sea trial of the 'Olympian', the crew reported the ship lurching and tilting to the starboard side. Guess what? On the 'Titanic's' maiden voyage, the shop LURCHED ANS TILTING TO TJR STARBOARD SIDE before sinking...
@iiRazor why is that u ask people are stupid back than waterproof pant cost 100s and the name titanic is on the ship that sank Olympic was scraped
I know that@iiRazor
Ist das nicht eine verschwörung mit der schwesterschiff von der titanic das sie statt der titanic unter gegangen ist (bzw das nicht die titanic sondern das schwesterschiff auf die unglücks fahrt geschickt worde) und das die echte titanic noch exestiert
Fun fact: there are theories that the Titanic never sank, instead the Olympic was sank in the biggest insurance scam in history. If you want more info tag me if you want.
@JMicah4 on the funnels? That is smoke, but it looks odd, when the ship is not moving
Looks great by the way.
What are the white ball things?
@WahrscheinlichIch I think it's going to be good
@SimpleTechAndResearch of course it had! I am only half way there ^^
@WahrscheinlichIch Okay. And also I'm pretty sure the Olympic had 4 Funnels as well.
@SimpleTechAndResearch 295 so far, but the back usually has a bit more than that...
I'm pretty sure the Olympic is Smaller then the Titanic (It obviously is) but how many parts does it have?