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Wii/Wii U

3,164 TheRicks2  8.2 years ago

So I'm on my Wii right now and i am typing this post on my Wii(which takes a long time btw) and i was thinking "i wonder if this game could be ported to the wii or the wii u". Now before you rage out in the comments lemme say this, the wii/wii u is probably the best console it could be on the wii controller would be great for building and the wii u pad thingy could also be used for building. As with a lot of things there are too big problems: money and time, but the thing is thats the devs decision if they want to make a wii/wii u version then ok, if not thats ok too. Also it it hard to type on the wii so if there are any spelling or punctuation errors blame the wii or nintendo.

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    8,758 Meawk

    This would be GREAT on the wii-u but not the wii. Just think about it

    8.2 years ago
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    3,164 TheRicks2

    @UnstableOrbit the controls wouldn't have to be motion. They could be the regular wii controls( i.e. A, B, D-pad, 1, 2, and Nunchuk)

    8.2 years ago
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    No. I can't imagine the hell of trying to piece together a detailed aircraft with the Wii's motion controls. Not to mention the difficult process of actually getting Nintendo to agree to this. And then you have to account for the vastly different architecture of the Wii/Wii U. And then you have to deal with the limited hardware capabilities/updates/blah blah blah/etc. Even IF this was a GOOD idea(spoiler alert: it isn't), it would be very difficult to pull off.

    8.2 years ago