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Which works better on a ship? Rotator + Structural Wing or Vertical Stabs?

5,802 DragonAerotech  8.9 years ago

As my 400ish ton corvette is nearing completion I've noticed she's harder and harder to turn. I've added extra jet nozzles, "puffers" as my son and I call them, I've added two more VTOL jets in a forward engine room that are set for yaw and she still steers like a super tanker with the rotator/structural wing twin rudders. I've considered increasing the rudder size but I'm not sure if that will help. Any suggestions?


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    15.0k BSKPlays2009

    Just use da gyroscope and XML edit it to yaw power 100

    3.5 years ago
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    3,446 FatNinja

    @DragonAerotech yeah thanks

    8.9 years ago
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    @FatNinja Oh, and congrats on silver!

    8.9 years ago
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    @FatNinja Good advice, before I added about half of her current displacement, it was BAD. My rotators alone would cause the bow to jump and the little jets would throw the nose everywhere. I think I have most everything lined up well but I think I need to put in that belt style of stabilizer that keeps heavy warships from sliding sideways or allowing mines/torpedoes to get at the softer keel. Right now that slide ability actually works a bit in her favor as I can bring more of her firepower to bear - aside from missiles - but it detracts from my original hit and run concept for dealing with the task force. Sure, I got lucky once and managed to tackle all four in one daring mission that left me seriously damaged and dead in the water by getting close, No how many "armored features" like angled armor on turrets, deck plating and similar we add we have to remember that these ships may look the part of a warship but are built out of the stuff planes would; Mostly alloys of aluminum and carbon composites I should imagine. lol (Although sometimes I think a bit of styrofoam and balsa is thrown in for good measure!)

    In any event, she's my first ship build and I'm having a lot of fun building her and coming up with ideas. I have come up with some mine concept ideas, freighters, a carrier and I may yet change her armament to omit the heavy armaments to save for a larger project yet still, such as a boni fide cruiser. However I think most of my future boat designs will be in the neighborhood of PT boats, landing craft and such that will of course be MUCH smaller and more simple. I still have lots of planes and land vehicles to experiment with too. :D

    8.9 years ago
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    3,446 FatNinja

    another thing to note is the rudder/ thruster must exert a force that aligns with the CoM so that the ship doesn't flip around

    8.9 years ago
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    Thanks for all of the advice everyone but I managed to solve the problem, somehow my bow thrusters on one side got switched around to where it was just countering everything the other bow thruster did. She can turn rings under the bridge near Yeager practically now. XD

    Although still incomplete I keep taking her out to fight the task force and Tiny. Today marks the first time I've killed all four ships in one mission in this little daredevil and I still have stuff to add and reconfigure!

    @FatNinja My keel isn't all that deep but I have a lot of weight added to the centerline of my ship both with fuel and deadweight - though none that can be reached from the side. (Not that it matters since fuel doesn't "cook off" in this game anyway.) It does the trick though, even when I turn sharp enough to skid sideways on the water my attitude indicator doesn't show more than maybe a degree or two of deviation. lol The CoM line isn't even visible above deck though none of the central "ball" of mass shows through to the keel either which tells me it's probably about in-line with the top of my "bilge" layer of fuselage blocks. I thought about the prop idea too but wasn't sure how well that would work. Maybe on my next ship project, which of course will be larger scale but probably not as well armed since it'll be a carrier, hopefully with operable planes.

    @DeezDucks Takao, eh? I will have to take a look at it! Did you do her up in IJN markings or Fleet of Fog markings? ;) Any working offensive weaponry?

    @MaleticAirplanes I still haven't tried XML modding though I have a HUGE assortment of such in my subassemblies. lol

    @ShatterFox I'll have to check that Shade-Class out too, what type of ship is it?

    8.9 years ago
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    Mod DeezDucks

    Try looking at the ones on my Takao. The nozzles are on the rudders making it extremely nimble.

    8.9 years ago
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    3,446 FatNinja

    @KingDeadshot another way is one very deep keel with loads of dead weight on it.
    This is to keep the CoM as low as possible and increasing stability.

    Trust me, I played FTD

    8.9 years ago
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    3,446 FatNinja

    I use a propeller on rotators

    8.9 years ago
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    My personal favorite is a VTOL nozzle. You can xml edit it to make turns less sharp.

    8.9 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    Idk, my 100 ton shade class turns like a dream with one nozzle for turning and a simple rudder on the back.

    8.9 years ago