OK guys i am reletavley new to simple planes and don't know how to Xml mod planes so, could somebody that know hows to Xml mod please see if they can create the main body of the Mcdonald Douglas/ Boeing Globemaster III?
I would highly appriciate it, you will get mentioned and upvoted!!!
It’s says “McDonald Douglas/ Boeing”@NikkoFromYT
You mean a Boeing C17 Globemaster III?
,I got you, I have a hella good one
@iFalco yeah
@iFalco check your Kik
@iFalco k got it and got you!
@iFalco do i put an underscore in?
ok downloading it now@iFalco
@iFalco OK, BTW how do i add a profile pic?
@iFalco ok i will with the underscore?
@iFalco Andriod Tablet, my brother has an Iphone
thank you every one for the upvotes.
@iFalco i'll let you decide the size of the Hull.
@JMicah4 yes is did. but still nothing.
@iFalco thank you! and i will stick to my word i will upvote your inventions*
*planes, vechiles whatever moves
@RhysBrown did you save an aircraft?
@skua please can you help me?
@JMicah4 thank you for the upvote
@JMicah4 urm i do all of the steps but there is nothing there, how do i get all of the stuff?
will this help?
@RhysBrown For changing the values of objects. Ask a Moderator to help
@SimpleTechAndResearch OK? What do i need notepad for?
@RhysBrown If you're a windows user you can use notepad. I don't know the rest
@ValtsuAircraftIndustries Yeah sorry i get mixed up. McDonald Douglas designed the planed but Boeing made it. i will change that thank you.@SimplePlanesRUSH i know people have made the C-17 Globemaster III, but i wanto to make one my self the only thing is i don't know how to XML mod my planes that is the whole point of this forum. and thank you both for the upvotes!!!
Made by JMicah4