When ever I try to make one, this is what happens:
100% thrust on water
70 mph
Yaws to the right
I try to yaw back to the left
Nosedives into water
I even put the floaty things on the wings, and it still doesn't work!?! Can someone help!
When ever I try to make one, this is what happens:
100% thrust on water
70 mph
Yaws to the right
I try to yaw back to the left
Nosedives into water
I even put the floaty things on the wings, and it still doesn't work!?! Can someone help!
@General360 Thanks.
@General360 ok. thanks! BTW, I added you to my mention list.
@General360 ok. thanks.
@General360 ok thanks. Can you just tell me where the COT COM and the COL are?
@Supercraft888 I already fixed it by playing with the CoT. Thanks anyway.
Can you show us the seaplane and we will try to fix it
@Supercraft888 @Flightsonic @Delphinus @JacobHardy64 @KingDeadshot @DeezDucks @PINK @BaconAircrafts @TehDuck @BaconEggs @Thefalloutplayr @General360