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Stupid AI

2,773 fishheads88  8.9 years ago

Every time I test put my planes for skycup they do all sorts of weird maneuvers when all it has to do is go straight. >:(

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    I spawned an AI controlled tank and the tank ran to the nearest wall at full speed🤣🤣🤣

    4.4 years ago
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    2,773 fishheads88

    O look a ring up ahead better do a backfilp and barrel roll into a mountain

    8.9 years ago
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    Yeah all my planes do that the over roll or under roll, and go into a spin or just simply go "nope" and fly straight into the mountains next to the ring.

    8.9 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @Flightsonic That has legitimately happened to me before. I was pretty sure that I lost a few IQ watching it do what it did. Still. It must be hard for the Devs to make a program that's universal and works on all planes.

    8.9 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    @Squirrel lol

    8.9 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel


    "Go through the ring!"

    contemplates life and the universe, misses the ring all together, but tries to correct itself by trying to do a 90 degree turn in the space of 0.27 seconds, ring turns red, AI goes potato and decides to hug the nearest hillside

    8.9 years ago
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    48.9k Baldovino

    As I already written in other posts....

    "Hey, a right turn! The better way to do it surely is a 270 degree left barrel roll!"

    8.9 years ago
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    6,845 Jetspeed1001

    LOL @Flightsonic

    8.9 years ago
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    2,773 fishheads88

    @Flightsonic Thats what happens to me

    8.9 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    lol ikr
    "Go through the ring"
    *Does a barrel roll into the cliff next to the ring*

    8.9 years ago