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Armour plating.

471 Zealot5layer  8.9 years ago

I personally think that the game needs some sort of form of hit points or armour. I mean it is kind of annoying when a certain twin prop with 2 50 cals manages to sink your mighty battleship or destroy your tank. It would Even make dogfights with ww2 and ww1 planes more enjoyable because these dont last that long due to the mechanic that says "one hit and your out." It would also give more options and characteristics to planes, such as a heavily armoured a10 warthog, or a lightly armoured helicopter. Any how, what do you guys think?

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    632 Dadijeepa

    All fuselage blocks have the same hitpoints no matter how big they are. You can create more armoured builds by creating a frame inside your plane made out of fuselage block rods and cover those in many layers of fuselage blocks that protect the inner frame but also are the decorative pieces. I still think that an armour slider on the fuselage block should exist because it is a pain to add many layers of thin fusalage blocks.

    6.1 years ago
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    @ShatterFox I know how it feels, creates massive block with many AA weapons, one 50 cal round and then...

    8.9 years ago
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    @L3v Exactly what I was thinking(ps, sorry for late reply)

    8.9 years ago
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    15.9k Allstar

    Actually, It's not "One hit and you're out." The issue is that people design planes that are easily destroyed in a chain reaction of explosions. I've shot the prop off of a UAV before while using a MINIGUN. Armor would be cool, and all, but it really boils down to aircraft design

    +1 8.9 years ago
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    1,213 L3v

    I think the same. But I want special option for fuselage that lets you change it's HP BUT also increases weight.

    +1 8.9 years ago
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    lol I suggested this as well or, at the very least, if the bullet passes through and doesn't strike anything critical its basically like not getting hit at all. I had a pretty long piece on that a while back, regarding fuel containing sections and so on - but I agree, we need armor of some kind to protect our heavy builds OR even just critical parts of our aircraft at the expense of weight and performance issues.

    My "Corvette" hasn't been killed by a plane - yet - but it's armed to the teeth with anti-aircraft guns that are strong and nasty enough to not bother wasting missiles or the heavy cannons on Tiny. Rake her from stern to bow with side mounted minigun turrets and after "popping" six times or so her icon disappears and she quickly sinks. That said I've toasted several planes during development runs that have approached either with hostile intent or just buzzing around me like an annoying fly. Consider the reverse - if they can kill our ships/airplanes in one shot why can't we do the same with their ships??? (Okay so my primary cannons can, but just in general.... XD)

    8.9 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    Ikr, My Shade class vs some really crappy plane someone threw together in 5 mins + a single minigun and my shade class exploded xD

    8.9 years ago