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Custom mapping for VTOL groups

87 JustAFatYeti  8.9 years ago

Is there a way to control one VTOL group independently from another at the same time? Or even better map the positive and negative inputs for each VTOL group to where you want them?

I ask as I'm looking to build a bomber and add a moving turret using rotator blocks. I'm wanting to move the turret whilst not changing my pitch, yaw or roll.

If not, any advice on how I could achieve this would be greatly appreciated.

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    @Nickasaurus Interesting to hear. I hope that they do as I can only imagine what some people would be able to do after seeing some of the amazing stuff already out there.

    Thanks :)

    8.9 years ago
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    @Skua Thats what I've done so far, but ideally in the future I'd like to be able to give the "left and right" axis one activation group and map that activation groups positive and negative inputs to right and left arrow buttons, and a similar set up for the "up and down" axis but to the up and down arrow keys on a different activation group.

    I was just curious as whilst I play the game often I only really tinker and haven't used much of vtol.

    8.9 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    In the mean time, it's very clumsy, but you can assign each axis of rotation for the turret to a different action group. Alternatively, make all the control surfaces with rotators, assign them to group 8, and disable it when you want to move the turret.

    8.9 years ago
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    37.7k Decrepit

    There has been some talk about adding a second vtol spider but it hasn't been announced wether it'll be featured or not.

    8.9 years ago