What aircraft should I make for my 17k celebration? This aircraft might also include me almost having 60 followers. Keep in mind as well that the airplane I make will be BASED OFF OF A REAL AIRCRAFT, NOT A REPLICA. I've tried doing replicas, and they turned out horribly. Your ideas and suggestions are very much welcome. It was the community's decision to embrace me that got me here, so I'll leave the decision up to the community again.
I might be making something along the lines of this:
LOL! @Frant24
Make as many suggestions as you want! The more the merrier! @Frant24
@DestinyAviation congrats on both 17k and 60 followers!
Thanks guys @Frant24 & @JacobHardy64!
@Frant24 @DestinyAviation link
Thanks! I'll take a look at the T-37 @JacobHardy64
I was thinking this (or any other aircraft from this guy). What do you think? @Frant24
Woohoo congrats! You should build a Cessna T-37