First of all, this is just what I think, feel free to disagree.
I'm getting really tired of people who upvote whatever someone makes, just because they follow them. It just takes the whole point of the point system away, doesn't it? I follow quite a few (15 maybe?) players, and while I usually upvote them (the whole reason for me following is that I think that they make awesome planes), I don't just upvote them regardless of what they do, which is what a lot of users seems to be doing.
@Geekpride Again, I have no problems with people who upvotes basically everything thst someone else makes because he likes what the other user creates. The real problem is that some users just upvote whatever anyone they follow release, regardless of whether it's actually a good build or not.
I disagree. A lot of the creators on here have their own style when it comes to making planes. I follow creators that build in a style that I find appealing, so it's quite likely I'll upvote them. Sometimes I do it just on looks, sometimes after a flight test. I actually feel like I don't upvote enough of the good creations, I should make more of an effort to appreciate those that make the good builds.
@ElGatoVolador Yeah, most of the time it's really subtle, but I'm beginning to notice that I'm partially getting this.
I always fly a plane before I upvote it. If I don't like it I don't upvote. Sometimes I upvote for effort put in a plane and give some advice.
Im Still at 6K but ive got 20 followers so your point is invalid for me ,but I have seen what you mean.
I can agree with you here @Waemoth
@bjac0 Same here.
@TehDuckFather As I've stated, people upvote other users who already have a high rank regardless of what they do.
I may be one of them, but i upvote cause the creations are good, btw, the people i follow make really f-ing good content(you're one of them), which is why i upvote, if someone makes, um, not very good content(such grat grumor tak lik), i don't upvote.
So what's the problem? ...
@TehDuckFather Exactly, that's what everyone should do. Upvote good creations, regardless of who makes them.
@NovaTopaz Delphinus' planes aren't bad, so that's not really problematic, even though it isn't good either.
I'm not going to judge someone's build by how big there numbers are but what I think about it, and why is this an issue?
@Waemoth Well, the only people I've really done it with is delpihinus, and TBH, they usually aren't bad. Not great, but not bad. That and SR, or other platinum users. For the past month or 2, I haven't really been active, and my macbook was out of commision(or didn't have the time to fly them), so I upvoted them out of virtue of previous work I'd flown and such, that and they usually build good aircraft. Otherwise, I mostly tried to not upvote aircraft, but for the past month I've been favoriting aircraft so I can go back to them, download them, try them out, and then actually give a rating.
@TehDuckFather That is not what I'm speaking about. I'n speaking about constantly upvoting bad builds from highrankking players because you follow them.
@TehDuckFather yes but some people don't put effort into EVERY plane
How is this bad? If the person put work into there build and doesn't have any attention how is helping them going to affect you?
@Jetspeed1001 If you think that he really, really should have more points and just got unlocky with not getting so, I don't think so. But if he was just pain bad and you felt like upvoting him, yes.
I Upvoted every plane this low user had is that bad?
@Thefalloutplayr Yes, I totally agree with upvoting low-ranking users, but following somehwat noticed people (5k and up) and upvoting them regardless of what they do is just ridiculous.
Many people seem to call these "dud followers" or something similar. Back when I was mid-silver, I had ~10 followers and would usually get 2 consistent upvotes. The other 2 (on average) were from different people.
I now have 25 followers but still maybe 3 or 4 consistent upvotes. Some players would think that's an awful ratio, I think it's just fine, I don't care if someone follows me, upvotes me, or whatever. I'm just glad if even one person saw my plane and enjoyed it.
Ehhh I agree AND disagree I feel you have a point but I also follow some low people on the totem pole and some are even blanks but I up vote their planes because I want to help get them on track I also give them helpful tips when there planes aren't the best but I still do because it makes people feel good about themselves and I feel I have a duty to help people be happy because I dealt with horrible depression but I overcame it because of the people around me that's why I do what i do!!