Well I have decided to make sum stuff like planes but I'm not that good can sum of u guys tell me how to make good planes
Cus all of mine are not original successors
1,387 Goldenp
8.6 years ago
Well I have decided to make sum stuff like planes but I'm not that good can sum of u guys tell me how to make good planes
Cus all of mine are not original successors
No I didn't @SimpleTechAndResearch
@Goldenp Well here's the forums post for it
@Goldenp Thanks. But did you know that the ships were sinkabke?
Ok but still u should be givin way more credit u know what I will make a plane for u@SimpleTechAndResearch
@Goldenp Thanks but I don't want to be a mod or Dev. It's to much hard work.
Thank you soooooooooo much you are a big help to this community and you should be a dev also a moderator thank you again soooooo much@SimpleTechAndResearch
@Goldenp Okay. Fly to the tiny and start spamming the fire Rocket pod button at it. 12=Sunk
Ok and thanks @SimpleTechAndResearch
Ok so yer they. Just blew me outta the sky @SimpleTechAndResearch
@Goldenp You can use one of my planes if you want
I will try that @SimpleTechAndResearch
@Goldenp Okay. Shoot the Jundroo or the destroyers. And if the destroyers Smoke or shoot back then you have the right version of SimplePlanes
What's with that @SimpleTechAndResearch
@Goldenp Okay, do you see destroyers by it? (Other ships)
Yes I do
@Goldenp Okay. Get a plane with rocket pods or missiles. And shoot an Aircraft carrier. Do you know where the USS Jundroo is?
N p @SimpleTechAndResearch
Yes @SimpleTechAndResearch
@Goldenp Thanks
@Goldenp and XML Editing. External modding. And steam edition. Do you have the steam edition of SimplePlanes?