I already said many timei dont havemany accounts!!i have been slander by someone who not feel comfortable with me ..i more timo i said i not i liar and i dont know who are them who upvotes me and use my plane and chance it ...
I already said many timei dont havemany accounts!!i have been slander by someone who not feel comfortable with me ..i more timo i said i not i liar and i dont know who are them who upvotes me and use my plane and chance it ...
You can deny it all you like. But the speech patterns alone tell me that those accounts are maintained by the same person. Let alone the other telling evidence.
You need to stop posting other peoples stuff as your own too, unless you magically learned how to xml mod overnight. (Words to the wise, the kicking fish is overrated. Nobody upvotes varients of that plane.)
@enginer, if a Mod Says you use alt accounts like Latent and Skua said. Then they're right
We can see that the accounts that were upvotes your planes come from the same IP. I can only agree with TheLatentImage's actions.
@Glaceon @TheLatentImage @RocketLL
Oh wait, It's you. @Skua @MediocrePlanes
The mods can see the IP You use to create your account.