I am really confused and dont know how to get that file.Do i have to download it or do i have to search it in my simple planes file.i have searched it in the simple planes file but didnt found it.Please HELP :( !!!!
Help Please
I need help for XML!
521 Autaz
8.8 years ago
@Skua Thanks :)
@Autaz I can't give you it myself, but this post should help.
@Skua I searched for the file every where but didnt found it.How can i get steam version for free?Please send me a link of it,It will help me alot and thanks for youe support and replies :).Please send me a link of the steam version if you have it.Thanks
@Autaz I think you should be able to get the Steam version for free if you already have it on Windows. It's pretty helpful, you get updates more easily and the Steam Workshop should eventually make it really easy to install mods. I also don't know if not having the Steam version affects where the files are kept. How far along that folder path did you get?
Yea nothing happened :(
@Autaz I don't know. Try it. If it doesn't smoke. Sadly no
Can i dyestroy the ship with out having steam version? has it been updated?@SimpleTechAndResearch
@Autaz So take off from wright airport. Keep an eye out for a while and you'll see the Carrier.
Yea ive read it@SimpleTechAndResearch
@Autaz Well look here
Yea i read that.They also added a new mode right?
@Autaz Well. In the newest steam edition update they added destructible Ships
For?btw i know that but still thanks for telling @SimpleTechAndResearch
@Autaz Well take off from wright airport in a jet. And then you'll see either 1:A Carrier. 2:A carrier with ships around it
@SimpleTechAndResearch so?
Yea so?
@Autaz But you use windows
Also do you have the Steam Version of SimplePlanes?
Hmmm nice info mate@SimpleTechAndResearch
@Autaz Moderators basically moderate around the site. Stopping arguments. Deleting copies. Deleting Comments with swear words etc
oh ok thanks@SimpleTechAndResearch
@Autaz Skua is a moderator
@Skua Also i just wanna ask that how did u got that mod name instead of your points?