I do not have this plane, and it looks like the homepage P-51. I found it as AI traffic, but it did not get highlighted when I selected air to air. it is destroyable with guns though.
Has anyone else seen it?
I do not have this plane, and it looks like the homepage P-51. I found it as AI traffic, but it did not get highlighted when I selected air to air. it is destroyable with guns though.
Has anyone else seen it?
Illuminate confermed!
@Swinly ooookkkkkkkkk
Yeah thanks
It’s the plane. In the post@RaZoRgAmInGxD
I've got a question
How does the airplane's radar works?
@Swinly what's this
@RaZoRgAmInGxD @OldManWinter1945 @SimpleTechAndResearch @MediocrePlanes @JMicah4 @jdulmer @PikeovlevPlanes @Flightsonic @SpiraXD
@OldManWinter1945 are you Filipino
The link dident work, could you post it again?
Found it too flying around. But before i could get a screenshot My plane collided with it XD
@MediocrePlanes Well you found out the Secrets of a shot down NATO Pilot
That aircraft is the AI WWII dogfight opponent
I believe the AI spawner also uses the unlisted planes in the default game files such as the AI opponents that you race against.
The ghost plane...
P51 2.0 is just the default p51 with guns. It doesn't have that paint scheme.
I also encountered and "el diablo" once
@SpiraXD I've seen that too. I thought it was something I built when I was a noob, but I guess not
@PikeovlevPlanes The P-51 is A NATO Pilot. The Russian aircraft is a Russian pilot turning a MiG 25 into a VTOL, oops I gave you an idea
Did you detect it? As you can see, my radar is picking up "Russian display jet" but there is no little grey frame around it the mystery plane nor can I select it. I also get P-51 2.0, but I can detect that
It has appeared in my traffic too as P-51 2.0, will post a screenshot next time when I encounter it.
@PikeovlevPlanes And again and again and again till he collided into one of your Wings
Yes but I am a superior pilot who shot him down, and on the pass I made after the one shown, I shot him down again
@PikeovlevPlanes it's true. He wants revenge
@SimpleTechAndResearch lol
As you can see, another plane is detected by my radar.
It's one of the NATO pilots you shot down, he's back