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About Youtuber Planes

1,793 Gamechievements  8.9 years ago

Dear SimplePlanes users,

I understand that you like to be featured by youtubers, and that's great! I have tried to be noticed too, but here's some problems.

  1. When people don't put real work into their planes and tag youtubers on it, and then the next time they play this game, they play that plane! When people put real work and effort into their planes, they get skipped, it's really annoying.

  2. Odd titles. Yes, they're annoying and don't get noticed if you put, "gerf" for example. Put some effort into the title! Make it look eyecatching! Instead of gerf, make it stand for something! Example: Gravitational evasive recreational fighter! SEE?! That's eye catching as crap! USE YOUR IMAGINATIONS KIDS!!!

  3. When people are spamming and re-uploading 5 times a day, it is more than annoying. When people spam a same plane 5 times a day, it makes the site laggy and makes users with slower computers, (kinda like me on a laptop...) crash on the site or get error codes. Please do not spam planes or forum posts. I can't even run steam's web browser to download planes anymore. Just, STOP.

  4. Look, we don't need 12 different planes per user saying it's for weaselzone, or draegast, or jelly, or kwebbelkop! If you're planes are getting skipped by youtubers, they obviously don't know who you are, or they don't think your plane is interesting, so improvise on one plane and delete the previous one and upload the new one! It really does ruin the site.

  5. Youtubers in the title can be annoying and make people hate you. Seriously. We don't need, "JELLY PLAY THIS PLS" or "KWEBBELKOP PLS PLAY" It is really annoying, and when their are crappy planes that get so much attention that the good ones get left out, it can be annoying. So please stop with the youtuber titles.

This is all the time I have to write a few of the problems with these youtuber planes. There are many more problems that can be addressed, but here are just a few. Thanks for reading this!

  • xEliteGamingx
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    26.3k Skua

    @Glaceon mind the language

    8.9 years ago
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    @Flightsonic Yah. Sometimes, they'll have it in the description instead like, for weaselzone! and that's fine, but not in the titles.

    8.9 years ago
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    @Glaceon xD yep.

    8.9 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    @xEliteGamingx But good point about the tittles, not all youtuber planes have that, but it's annoying

    8.9 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    @xEliteGamingx True, and I do like some of the YouTubers more than others especially the ones that credit :D

    8.9 years ago
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    @Flightsonic yah, but I go more in depth and explain these issues way more than that post.

    8.9 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    There is this
    But I see what you mean

    8.9 years ago