So far we've had two groundbreaking updates for the Steam version, but absolutely nothing for us mobile users. I'm not really that upset about it, but it's kind of frustrating to see all these beta announcements showing new features while we're stuck with the old stuff.
I totally agree with how mobile gets the last updates, but it sorta builds anticipation! Idk, it would be nice if we got it first though....
Ok @AndrewGarrison I'm still looking forward to it, thank you for all your hard work
Whoa! I misspoke! I did not mean mobile update this week. We may get a beta going on mobile in the next 2 weeks, but I meant to say the final release of the Steam version will be this week (hopefully).@JacobHardy64 @bskngshrk @Pyrofire7 @ACMECo1940 @Thefalloutplayr
@AndrewGarrison @bskngshrk Apple is a pain in the a** when you try to publish something via their App Store.
The process for Submitting an update for mobile (ESPECIALLY iOS) is stupidly complicated and takes forever @AndrewGarrison @bskngshrk
Because not all of us want to pay for Steam, or can afford a laptop. And SimplePlanes started as a mobile game, so the long-time mobile players should also be a priority. @Pyrofire7
Why are there so many mobile users complaining, just face it, not all the features will be out for mobile because the game has more potential than mobiles processors.
Is that you!! 👇🏻👇🏻@AndrewGarrison
Lol "mr garrison! Mr. Hat!
Ok! Thank you for your reply, Mr. Garrison :) @AndrewGarrison
It takes a lot of work to bring updates to mobile, but we are working on it. We hope to have the update out on mobile this week.