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A bug!

1,471 CleverchesyTM  8.9 years ago

Dear developers!... i tried the loopy loop 0 race and i completed it several times UNDER 35 secs ( a pretty score of 34 secs ) but i DONT get the achievement loopy loop o expert!! pls fix took me a lot to make it! (srry for bad english)

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    @nathanmikeska Thank you for this in depth answer it has bin fixe i got all race achievemnts now (being the achievement hunter that i am xD) and if you complete the race in target time its not gonne give you to achievement as it is for example: 0:35:54
    so the race is completeet over the 35 second (or whatever seconds) line :D thank you though

    8.9 years ago
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    There are a couple things that can temporarily disable achievements.
    - If the dev console was opened at all during the game session, all achievements are disabled until you quit the game.
    - If auto-pilot is enabled during the race, the achievements for that race will be disabled until the race is restarted.

    When I started looking in to this, I noticed we had a bug that if you meet the target time exactly (anytime within that second) it may not unlock. In this case, it sounds like that may not have been the issue, since you got 34 seconds. A score of 35 seconds should be triggering the achievement though, but it was not. This should be fixed in the next beta build.

    8.9 years ago
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    @ValtsuAircraftIndustries okey :D

    8.9 years ago