So in the Devblog it stated that you could XML mod the color of the bullets (tracers if you will) @nathanmikeska said it wasn't working. This thread is for the discussion of XML modding the guns for Beta.
So in the Devblog it stated that you could XML mod the color of the bullets (tracers if you will) @nathanmikeska said it wasn't working. This thread is for the discussion of XML modding the guns for Beta.
Can you xml mod? @JacobHardy64
I'm afraid I don't know how to do that @SUPERSAMROCK
Yeah, it is hex code First 2 are red second 2 are blue and third 2 are yellow, you us Fs and 0s to create any color you want.
If you're wondering how, at the end of the string for guns, it has a code ( Like FFF00 or somehting) for the colors