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Air intake problems.

1,082 ThePlaneCreator  8.9 years ago

I am making a basic airliner with 4 Blasto BFE-120 engines (2 for thrust and 2 for intake) but I have a critical problem. It gives me the warning "Engines do not have enough intake air". And when I try to take off, one engine pod (the left one) is going full thrust while the other one isnt even doing anything, causing me to veer off the runway to the right. I've tried putting tons of small and large intakes with no results. I've ran out of options, can anyone help me out?

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    @Flightsonic Alright, i'll try that and see if it works.

    Update: I did what you said, and it fixed the veering off the runway. It still gives me the message of not enough intake air, but I still get enough thrust to get off the ground. Thanks for your help.

    8.9 years ago
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    6,959 Thelaw11

    its because the fuselage peices conncecting the engines to the intakes must be in some sequence. i found the connection is broken if engine is on the other side of a rotator or if you have been nudging and a connection you think is there really isnt(iv had this problem lots and these are the reasons iv found) easy to fix just follow connection points from engine to intake

    8.9 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    If you've mirrored it, try making the first pod a sub assembly then move it over, because mirror is buggy

    8.9 years ago