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Tutorial to get inside the ice base

7,526 AnarchistAerospaceIndustries  8.9 years ago

I've been seeing that many have wondered how to get into the ice base, since there are AA turrets!

Well I have a SIMPLE solution to it.

What do you is spawn at the ice base assault point with the VERTIGO plane.. After that fly behind the base and level to it, then slow down and DIVE BELOW the base... After that battle with the VTOL and thrust until you get into the mouth of the base, once there set a marker and then spawn there with vertigo, then drive inside. If you're lucky you'll get the location discovered, but for me I didn't get It, so set a marker inside.

After that I found I can fly OUT OF THE BASE, and NOT get fired at EVEN when firing at them...

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    Has anyone tried the method where:
    1) you'd first have to make your way up the backside of the mountain of where the base is.
    2) crawl all the way to the edge of the base (as far as you can before you could trigger the defenses)
    3) Set an temporary save point there.
    4) build an vehicle that's long-necked in a way that extends over the edge.
    5) Through trial and error, repeat steps 4 to 7
    6) drive forward until your vehicle triggers the defenses (if it doesn't trigger, then you're safe).
    7) Reverse direction of travel, and if you had triggered the defenses on step 6, hopefully, the explosion from the missiles of the AA guns near the edges will send your primary cockpit inside the base. If otherwise, then may as well incorporate detachability to the neck of your vehicle.
    8) After succeeding, restart there if need be. Drive all along the runway in both directions (within the base) if you didn't get the autosaving checkpoint.
    *May need some quick reflexes on creating

    14 days ago
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    0 Digi

    I have aggressive ai fighters who target me as soon as I get near…
    (It’s prob because I have ai fighters spawned)

    6 months ago
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    Bad advice. Doesn't work. I just wanna k* THOSE *!

    one year ago
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    @8bitgamer33 I'm currently exploring, so for the main fuss of the ice base that supports ground based aircraft, I could say aim for the sea-based portion, the immediate miles of it being invisible for those missile launchers--but it seems that it was to be not unlockable---thus needing custom save point there. No other unlockable areas nearby except for glacier park to the left of the heading of Ice Base Assault (noted by the more bluish-cyan tinged landscape)--the closest there is for the game to actually autosave the point.

    1.6 years ago
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    @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries or locked

    3.3 years ago
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    3.3 years ago
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    no discovered how

    3.3 years ago
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    152 lolry13

    even if you spawn with a custom marker they still wont shoot you if you take off there

    3.9 years ago
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    Well. They're not friends with everyone! If you spawn there, you should be fine... Unless you come back and shoot at them!

    5.8 years ago
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    i thought they are friends with me, i discovered the location but once i launched from the base, they shoot the AA turrets at me! i thought my friendship with the ice base came true!

    5.9 years ago
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    I did it with a Wasp modified with 99+ countermeasures (and Inferno missiles that didn't do much good). I, after several failed attempts, crashed it into the mouth of the base and got the cockpit kind of far into the tunnel and hangar. The way to get a location, I've found, is to get your plane's cockpit where the unlock point is. Also, is there actually an unlockable location inside the Ice Base?

    6.2 years ago
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    @darkmatterdragon If you can, set a marker there, and drive deeper into the base, into the hangar. Not all people get the location discovered, I didn't.

    6.6 years ago
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    I’ve tried multiple times to land in there and when I do nothing happens. I’m on iOS. Help please?

    6.6 years ago
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    You can shoot the rockets with machine guns. I put a bunch on the front of one of my planes and shot down all the rockets heading my way.

    7.8 years ago
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    lol I just got the F1750 Gypersonic Fighter and zipped into the base faster than the missiles. I set a location from my destroyed plane, spawned back in with a truck, and set a better location. Not very elegant, but it worked perfectly

    8.6 years ago
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    I flew inside with no engines, and succeded!

    8.8 years ago
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    60 nrpi314


    8.8 years ago
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    @Flightsonic you can STILL set the waypoint...

    8.9 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic
    8.9 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    I did almost the EXACT same thing, but rather clipped my way inside

    8.9 years ago