Me and bspboy are racing for gold at 4K. Him and me then will talk about when we start and begin racing for gold. Pumping our planes like no other. We nee you help to get it started and your to help me win :p post below some quick suggestions on planes
I'm not great at replicas but I'll make something like it @Thomasj041
make a c-17 it would be cool!
Okay @EVEngineering
I'm on iOS and it says it's optional @EVEngineering
Upload the to tinypic @EVEngineering
Picture @EVEngineering
Give me the link @EVEngineering
I just noticed that :P and on tiny pic it
Give you it. It's the bottom link you copy and past as link url @EVEngineering
Wow... Your brothers is very... "Stubborn" I don't think he would let me in either so don't worry @EVEngineering
Thank you. And congrats on 500 now you can join that collab group!