If anyone knows...
Who was the first...
Gold user
Silver user
Bronze user(?!)
If anyone knows (preferably people on the first 50 pages from the April fools joke) that would be great
If anyone knows...
Who was the first...
Gold user
Silver user
Bronze user(?!)
If anyone knows (preferably people on the first 50 pages from the April fools joke) that would be great
@ACMECo1940 Don't know that.
no not a dev@JMicah4
@ACMECo1940 AndreGarrison.
no the first user
@ACMECo1940 nassassin?
Probably good ol' whatshisname(I forgot)@JMicah4
First gold user :Scrifers
first silver user:?
Oh good ol nassassin @TehDuck
hypnotoad for everying i guess..
I forget the gold user but I remember this person being close Link
I know Hypnotoad was the first platinum user