We need the update with these new resizable tires because we can't download any updated creations. It's kind of unfair and I really like the looks of these new creations. I only play on IOS and its kind of annoying waiting for the updates. Us IOS users are really itching for that update. Thanks!
Just keep your offensive comments to yourself. Please just deal with it. It's what we do.@Allstar
I see that you've been here for a year. Unless you've been living under a rock, you'll know that every single time an update comes out, there is a flurry of whining about the update and having to wait that comes from the mobile users. If you had actually taken a good look at my profile, you would know that I am also a mobile user who actually hasn't posted any Beta works. Go figure. TBH, points aren't all that important to me, as evidenced by my relatively slow growth rate. It's certainly for a lack of trying. I simply enjoy the community, but one of the few things I can't stand are those who complain while others are in the same situation. @Awesomepico
Do us a favor and be quiet, I don't want to hear another round of your offensive and annoying comments
@Allstar You probably use only PC, and you most likely don't know the difference between mobile and PC. You clearly don't understand the point of having to wait and wait and wait for 2 months to get an update where we can actually download your work. If we didn't have the update you probably wouldn't have as much points as you do now. Just remember that were the ones that make you famous and well known around here. So shut you mouth and deal with it.
Ok, ok just chill out man. You don't have to be rude about it, I'm sorry I'm just clarifying it for people. Jeez. I would honestly expect more from a user with 14.4k downloads. @Allstar
Please, do us all a favor and be quiet. I don't want to hear another round of whining about the update coming to the mobile users
Yeah he said either this week or next week he said most likely next week@Jetspeed1001
Stop the whining
The update is coming to Mobile devices