Could one of you good Unity modders make a mod where you can configure the sizes of fuselage blocks( either small or large or sizes that are not offered with standard sliders). Maybe just have a number input via typing in what size you want ,you don't have to get fancy with sliders if you don't want. This would save me hours on tasks that with this would only take a matter of minutes to complete. Whoever makes this mod will get an up vote on any of your current planes/ builds you are working on. And that is just me. I'm sure that if you make this mod well, you could make it to one of the top mods for SP.
@Thefalloutplayr @mufasa6896 I only know how to make maps, and anything more than that with xml is unknown terrain for me. You should ask the more skilled guys out there.
@mufasa6896 @TehDuck last thing I heard is that HellFire is already working on it. I don't know how much he did so far. There is a chance that he will postpone it, and switch to other projects of his.
@TehDuck helfire made a fone tuner mod, his does rotation and posiotion, not scale. Alto i do think hellfure is the best canidate to make this.
Hellfirekoder has already made one
Oh maybe @BOBCAT can help!@mufasa6896
@Thefalloutplayr I know its called XML modding... I do a fair amount of that stuff myself. I'm asking for an in game size scaler so i dont have to alt-tab out, change, save , reload ect...
That's called XML modding and @Flightsonic is a good modder I'm sure he'll help you!